


Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (Hardcover)

介紹量子邏輯閘, 量子代數符號與算法

Quantum Machine Learning: What Quantum Computing Means to Data Mining (Hardcover)

先介紹古典的機器學習算法, 再介紹對應的量子算法以及物理上的圖像

Quantum Information Theory, 2/e (Hardcover)

介紹量子夏農理論, 有雜訊的量子資訊理論, 量子協議, 量子通訊

Courses and resources

GitHub - krishnakumarsekar/awesome-quantum-machine-learning


If I'm interested in quantum computing, should I major in computer science or physics? How realistic is it to work in quantum computing?

  • If I'm interested in quantum computing, should I major in computer science or physics? How realistic is it to work in quantum computing? - Quora

    If you come via a CS route you will definitely end up doing theoretical work because there aren't actually any full scale quantum computers for you to play with yet. If you do physics you can end up doing theory or experiment.

    Physicists also do theoretical work, but typically of a different sort to computer scientists. They try to figure out new ways of building quantum computers, apply ideas from quantum information to other fields of physics, and work on the foundations of quantum theory. Computer scientists are more likely to be found working on quantum algorithms and complexity, although several groups now do semantics, programming languages, logics and things like that as well.


CES 2018: Intel's 49-Qubit Chip Shoots for Quantum Supremacy

  • CES 2018: Intel's 49-Qubit Chip Shoots for Quantum Supremacy - IEEE Spectrum

    Intel's 49-qubit superconducting quantum test chip, Tangle Lake.

    49 qubits: enough qubits to possibly enable quantum computing that begins to exceed the practical limits of modern classical computers.

    It’s a milestone that Google and IBM researchers have also been targeting because it could usher in the moment of so-called “quantum supremacy,” when quantum computing can outperform classical computing.

    “Around 50 qubits is an interesting place from a scientific point of view, because you’ve reached the point where you can’t completely predict or simulate the quantum behavior of the chip,” he says.

    Intel’s roadmap suggests researchers could achieve 1,000-qubit systems within 5 to 7 years.

    One important step involves implementing “surface code” error correction that can detect and correct for disruptions in the fragile quantum states of individual qubits. Another step involves figuring out how to map software algorithms to the quantum computing hardware. A third crucial issue involves engineering the local electronics layout necessary to control the individual qubits and read out the quantum computing results.

    17-qubit arrays that have the minimum number of qubits necessary to perform surface code error correction.

    The superconducting qubit architecture involves loops of superconducting metal that require extremely cold temperatures of about 20 millikelvin (-273 degrees C).

    The company has also evenly split its quantum computing investment between the superconducting qubit architecture and another architecture based on spin qubits in silicon.

    Such spin qubits are generally smaller than superconducting qubits and could potentially be manufactured in ways similar to how Intel and other chip-makers manufacture conventional computer transistors.

  • 继续向量子霸权迈进,谷歌开发72位量子芯片


    来自谷歌的物理学家Julian Kelly表示,该小组希望使用具有更多量子位的芯片来首次实现量子霸权,即达到所有传统计算机无法实现的计算能力。


    图 | 谷歌的72位量子芯片的计算能力可能会首次实现超越传统计算机


    来自加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的谷歌物理学家John Martinis表示,他们刚开始进行该计算机的测试,并且目前的测试情况非常乐观。另外,他补充到,如果一切顺利的话,量子霸权的演示可能在几个月内实现。


  • 冷静冷静!谷歌发布72量子比特芯片,却还未实现量子霸权

    美国时间3月5日,谷歌研究博客(Google Research Blog)丢出一个深水炸弹——Bristlecone,这是一个72量子比特的量子芯片。



    Google利用称为量子纠错(Quantum Error Correction)的专门流程对Bristlecone进行了优化,以尽可能降低错误率。正是谷歌这样的设计,让Bristlecone量子芯片在达到72量子比特的同时也实现了1%的错误率。




    2017年12月,来自德国Jülich超级计算中心(Jülich Supercomputing Centre),中国武汉大学和荷兰格罗宁根大学(the University of Groningen)的研究人员宣布,他们打破了在经典超级计算机上可以模拟量子比特数量的世界纪录。



    因此,要模拟一个72量子比特的量子计算机,我们需要数百万倍的RAM(Random-Access Memory,随机存取存储),也就是2的(72-46)次方倍数。外媒Tom’ Hardware认为我们很可能无法在超级计算机中达到这样体量的RAM。


Quantum Programming

Microsoft Q

Programming exercises for Q# (Microsoft Quantum Katas)

ScaffCC: Compilation, analysis and optimization framework for the Scaffold quantum programming language


  • 量子技術即將進入青黃不接的階段,Google釋出NISQ演算法框架Cirq適應過渡期 | iThome

    Google人工智慧量子團隊在第一屆量子軟體和量子機器學習國際研討會(QSML)上,發表了Cirq公開測試版,這是一個用於雜訊中等規模量子(Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum,NISQ)電腦的開源框架,Cirq能讓研究人員在特定的量子處理器上開發量子演算法。該團隊也將Cirq用在Google的Bristlecone處理器上,而接下來他們還計畫在雲端提供該處理器。

    NISQ是近期才由美國理論物理學家,同時也是加州理工學院理論物理學教授John Preskill提出的名詞,他在論文中提到,NISQ技術將在不久的未來實現,具有50到100量子位元的量子電腦,在理論上已經可以超過當前傳統數位電腦運算能力解決問題,但是在量子閘中的雜訊,將會限制能夠可靠執行的量子電路大小。







    量子運算將會需要跨產業以及學界的合作,Google人工智慧量子團隊在建構Cirq時,就與包括劍橋與NASA在內的不同機構合作,以獲取演算法設計的回饋與意見。該團隊提到,他們正將Cirq應用在Google的Bristlecone處理器上,在不久的將來,也會在雲端服務提供該處理器,屆時Cirq將成為開發人員在該處理器上編寫程式的介面。現在Cirq以Apache 2授權在GitHub上公開,研究人員已經可以加入NISQ演算法開發。

ProjectQ – Open Source Software for Quantum Computing


  • Quantum Architectures: qasm2circ

    QASM is a simple text-format language for describing acyclic quantum circuits composed from single qubit, multiply controlled single-qubit gates, multiple-qubit, and multiple-qubit controlled multiple-qubit gates.

    qasm2circ is a package which converts a QASM file into a graphical depiction of the quantum circuit, using standard quantum gate symbols (and other user-defined symbols). This is done using latex (specifically, xypic), to produce high-quality output in epsf, pdf, or png formats.


Quantum Computer

New quantum computer design to predict molecule properties

  • New quantum computer design to predict molecule properties

    the standard equivalent for bits in quantum computing are qubits, which are bosons. Trying to simulate fermions (matter) using bosons (qubits) is inefficient

    Quantum computation with majoranas previously relied on combining four or six majoranas into a single qubit. But you don't necessarily have to make majoranas into qubits

    since you only need two majoranas to make a fermion instead of four or six for a qubit.

Topological quantum computer

Quantum computer solves problem, without running

  • Quantum computer solves problem, without running

    "counterfactual computation," inferring information about an answer, even though the computer did not run.

    quantum bits can be placed in superpositions of one and zero, as opposed to classical bits, which are either one or zero.

    "It seems absolutely bizarre that counterfactual computation – using information that is counter to what must have actually happened – could find an answer without running the entire quantum computer,"

    quantum interrogation is a technique that makes use of wave-particle duality (in this case, of photons) to search a region of space without actually entering that region of space.

    Kwiat's team succeeded in counterfactually searching a four-element database using Grover's quantum search algorithm. "By placing our photon in a quantum superposition of running and not running the search algorithm, we obtained information about the answer even when the photon did not run the search algorithm,"

Google combines two main quantum computing ideas in one computer

  • Google combines two main quantum computing ideas in one computer

    With the second approach the qubits do not interact, instead they are kept at a ground state where they are then caused to evolve into a system capable of solving a particular problem. The result is known as an adiabatic machine

    the researchers have attempted to gain the positive attributes of both approaches by creating a machine where they started with a standard quantum computer and then used it to simulate an adiabatic machine.

Russian physicists discover a new approach for building quantum computers

> an easier method to create a universal quantum computer using multilevel quantum systems (qudits),
> we demonstrated that correlations similar to those used for quantum information technologies in composite quantum systems also occur in non-composite systems
> ---
>  a method of using entanglement between internal degrees of freedom of a single eight-level system to implement the protocol of quantum teleportation
> ---
> Quantum objects that are used to create qubits – ions, electrons, Josephson junctions etc. can only maintain a certain quantum state for a very short time.
> ---
> Superconducting qubits used to "survive" only for a few nanoseconds, but now they can be kept for milliseconds before decoherence
> ---
> Qudits are quantum objects in which the number of possible states (levels) is greater than two (their number is denoted by the letter D). There are qutrits, which have three states; ququarts, which have four states, etc.
> ---
> "A qudit with four or five levels is able to function as a system of two "ordinary" qubits, and eight levels is enough to imitate a three-qubit system.
> ---
>  we obtained the value of mutual information (the measure of correlation) between virtual qubits isolated in a state space of a single four-level system,"
> ---
> on one qudit with five levels, created using an artificial atom, it is possible to perform full quantum computations
> ---
> fake coin algorithm: imagine that you have a number of coins, some of which are fake – they have the same image on the obverse and reverse sides.
> ---
> the "classical method", you have to look at both sides. With the Deutsch algorithm, you "merge" the obverse and reverse sides of the coin and you can then see a fake coin by only looking at one side.
> ---
> To run a two-qubit Deutsch algorithm, for example, they proposed using a nuclear spin of 3/2 with four different states.
> ---
> superconducting circuits require five levels: the last level performs an ancillary role to allow for a complete set of all possible quantum operations.
> ---
> in certain physical implementations, it is easier to control multilevel qudits than a system of the corresponding number of qubits, and this means that we are one step closer to creating a full-fledged quantum computer.

Efficient distributed quantum computing

  • Efficient distributed quantum computing

    if a quantum algorithm is to offer an exponential speed-up over classical computing, there must be a large entangled state at some point in the computation and it was widely believed that this translates into requiring a single large device.

    A network of small quantum computers can implement any quantum algorithm with a small overhead.

    The key breakthrough was learning how to efficiently move quantum data between the many sites without causing a collision or destroying the delicate superposition needed in the computation.

Magic states offer surprisingly low error rates for quantum computing

  • Magic states offer surprisingly low error rates for quantum computing

    the leading approach to fault-tolerant quantum computing involves "magic states."

    In order to create magic states, physicists take noisy quantum states and use a process called distillation to derive a smaller number of improved, i.e., higher fidelity, states.

    up to 90% of a quantum computer's qubits are needed to create magic states, before any real computing can be done.

    to minimize the noise in raw magic states (before any distillation) in order to reduce the number of distillation steps required,

    raw magic states can have a fidelity that is superior to that of the operations that created them.

    qubits are more sensitive to noise when the code distance (which is related to the number of qubits in a row of a lattice) is small

    more stable when the code distance is larger.

    For one type of magic state, for example, the new protocol can reduce the error due to noise by more than 20 times compared to previous protocols. As a result, the number of raw magic states required can then be reduced by a factor of 15.

What's the noise eating quantum bits?

  • What's the noise eating quantum bits?

    Calculations have confirmed experimental evidence that oxygen molecules adsorbed on the surface of the SQUID are the most likely source of low-frequency magnetic noise.

    the ability to develop SQUID-based quantum computers will require the stored magnetic data survive for long times.

    In quantum computing, quantum information is lost due to a loss of synchronization (dephasing) in the electronic flow and energy relaxation. Magnetic flux noise is a dominant source of dephasing and energy relaxation in superconducting qubits.

    the detrimental noise is from unpaired magnetic defects on surfaces of superconducting devices. Theoretical predictions singled out oxygen as the cause of noise in these systems.

    Surface treatment with ammonia and improving the sample vacuum environment dramatically reduced the surface contamination (to less than one oxygen molecule per 10 nm2), minimizing magnetic noise.

Simple is beautiful in quantum computing

  • Simple is beautiful in quantum computing

    Simple is beautiful in quantum computing

    Quantum computers use electron spin orientation at a defect site in diamond to store information. The electron spin can be up (+1), down (-1), or anything in between. The spin (left, red arrow) is represented as a vector on a sphere. To change the spin from Position 1 to 2 normally requires two separate optical pulses. However, here a particular single pulse has accomplished the same electronic transition. This single pulse makes the electron travel on a geometric loop, analogous to a Möbius strip (right, a surface with one side and one boundary), such that its position is changed in a robust way after completing the loop. Credit: US Department of Energy

    The simple gates reorient electron spin on defect sites in diamond. This new finding would allow faster and more efficient manipulation of the electron spins or qubits.

    Researchers exert a new form of fast geometric control on the electron's spin orientation.

    As an added bonus, the new gates are also less sensitive to noise than today's operations (specifically, sequential, multi-pulse operations).

    Similar to classical computers, quantum computers are designed to operate on quantum bits. An extraordinary property of qubits is that they can be of any value equal to or between -1 and +1, until we measure them.

    Diamond is a very promising material for quantum information processing.

    When the nitrogen is next to a missing carbon atom in the crystalline lattice, this is called a nitrogen-vacancy defect.

    Its spin can be initialized, manipulated, and "read out" with a laser at room temperature,

    This single impurity can emit one photon at a time. A photon can carry one qubit of information.

    A geometric gate relies on the evolution or geometric path of the spin instead of energy differences involved in the gates used in traditional computers.

    The geometry of the cycle is controlled by the single laser pulse and determines the final gate operations and electronic transitions. Further, careful control of the pulse energy significantly improved the fidelity of the electronic transition compared to traditional multi-pulse techniques

A new kind of quantum computer

Quantum Simulator

World's fastest quantum simulator operating at the atomic level

  • World's fastest quantum simulator operating at the atomic level

    the post-K cannot even calculate the precise energy, the most basic property of matter, when the number of particles in the system is more than 30.

    a "quantum simulator," has been proposed, in which quantum mechanical particles such as atoms are assembled into an artificial strongly correlated system whose properties are known and controllable.

    they have succeeded in simulating the motion of electrons of this strongly correlated system that is modulated by changing the strength of interactions among many atoms in the ensemble.

Quantum Memory

How can you tell if a quantum memory is really quantum?

  • How can you tell if a quantum memory is really quantum?

    Conventional protocols for testing for space-like correlations often use two characters, Alice as the sender and Bob as the receiver of quantum states. But since quantum memories involve time-like correlations, the protocol needs only a single character, whom the researchers call Abby, to act as both the sender and receiver at different times. In the test proposed in the new study, by comparing the relative frequencies of the signals that Abby sends and receives, it is possible to estimate the time-like entanglement and therefore certify that a quantum memory can store quantum information.

Quantum Algorithm

Parrondo's paradox with a three-sided coin

Will Quantum computing power help us eventually to verify P=NP or vice versa?

Researchers implement 3-qubit Grover search on a quantum computer

  • Researchers implement 3-qubit Grover search on a quantum computer

    Previous research has shown that Grover's search algorithm, proposed in 1996, is an optimal quantum search algorithm, meaning no other quantum algorithm can search faster.

    "Additionally, this is the first implementation of the algorithm using Boolean oracles, which can be directly compared with a classical search."

    So, for example, for a single search iteration on a database of 8 items, a classical algorithm makes one random query and, if that fails, it makes a second random guess—in total, guessing 2 out of 8 items, resulting in a 25% success rate.

    Grover's algorithm, on the other hand, first initializes the system in a quantum superposition of all 8 states, and then uses a quantum function called an oracle to mark the correct solution.

    for a single search iteration on an 8-item database, the theoretical success rate increases to 78%.

    The researchers also tested Grover's algorithm on databases that have two correct solutions, in which case the theoretical success rates are 47% and 100% for classical and quantum computers, respectively. The implementation demonstrated here achieved success rates of 68% and 75% for the two oracle types—again, better than the highest theoretical value for classical computers.


Quantum information

Transferring quantum information using sound

  • Transferring quantum information using sound

    These microscopic flaws in the crystal lattice can be used like tiny switches that can be toggled between a state of higher energy and a state of lower energy using microwaves.

    Just like a tuning fork, this rod can then be made to vibrate—however, these vibrations are so small that they can only be described using quantum theory.

    As the research team has now been able to show using simulation calculations, any number of these quanta can be linked together in the diamond rod via phonons. The individual silicon atoms are switched on and off using microwaves. During this process, they emit or absorb phonons. This creates a quantum entanglement of the silicon defects, thus allowing quantum information to be transferred.

Deterministic teleportation of a quantum gate between two logical qubits

  • 耶魯實現量子門的隱形傳輸,模塊化量子計算的關鍵進展 - 幫趣

    • [1801.05283] Deterministic teleportation of a quantum gate between two logical qubits


      Chou 表示,「我們的工作首次展示了這種協議,其中經典通信實時發生,允許我們實現『確定性』運算,每次都能執行期望的運算。」

      圖 1:模塊化架構和傳輸 CNOT 門的構造。


      量子計算是通過稱爲量子比特的相互作用來完成的,這種數據容易出錯。在實驗量子系統中,「邏輯」量子比特由「輔助」量子比特監控,以便立即檢測和糾正錯誤。Schoelkopf 表示,「我們的實驗第一次演示了邏輯量子比特之間的兩比特運算。這是使用可糾錯量子比特進行量子信息處理的里程碑。」

Software engineer announces experiment with post-quantum cryptography in Chrome

Scientists produce status check on quantum teleportation

  • Scientists produce status check on quantum teleportation

    quantum teleportation – transferring the quantum structure of an object from one place to another without physical transmission

    While theoretical proposals for a quantum Internet already exist, the problem for scientists is that there is still debate over which of various technologies provides the most efficient and reliable teleportation system.

    teleportation-based optical communication needs an interface with suitable matter-based quantum memories where quantum information can be stored and further processed.

    The development of good quantum memories would allow us to build quantum repeaters, therefore extending the range of teleportation.

New principle sets maximum limit on quantum information communication

  • New principle sets maximum limit on quantum information communication

    According to this principle, the maximum amount of information is limited only by the quantum system's dimension, and does not depend on any physical resources previously shared by the communicating parties.

    Pitalúa-García's principle of quantum information causality says that, after a quantum system of m qubits is transmitted from one party to another, the quantum information shared between the two parties cannot increase by more than 2m.

    communicating parties share.

    "The principle of information causality states that m classical bits can transmit m's worth of information,"

    "On the other hand, quantum information causality states that m qubits can transmit 2m's worth of information. In this sense, a qubit can communicate twice the amount of information that a classical bit can communicate.

    a qubit can be entangled with another qubit, while a classical bit cannot. It is entanglement that allows a qubit to communicate more information than a classical bit."

    "The dimension of a quantum system can be understood as the number of different possible outcomes that are obtained when the system is subject to a measurement,"

    "For example, a qubit has dimension two, because it gives one of two possible measurement results. Similarly, a system of m qubits has dimension 2^m. It is thus natural to expect that a system with bigger dimension can communicate more quantum information. This is proved mathematically by quantum information causality."

Quantum machine learning


Quantum computers could greatly accelerate machine learning

  • Quantum computers could greatly accelerate machine learning

    For the first time, physicists have performed machine learning on a photonic quantum computer, demonstrating that quantum computers may be able to exponentially speed up the rate at which certain machine learning tasks are performed—in some cases, reducing the time from hundreds of thousands of years to mere seconds. The new method takes advantage of quantum entanglement, in which two or more objects are so strongly related that paradoxical effects often arise since a measurement on one object instantaneously affects the other. Here, quantum entanglement provides a very fast way to classify vectors into one of two categories, a task that is at the core of machine learning.

    In the new paper, the physicists addressed this challenge by representing vectors with quantum states, and then entangling the states before comparing the distance between them. As they explain, quantum computers are naturally good at manipulating vectors. So to do this, they used a small-scale quantum computer that manipulates optical qubits, or photons.

    In the optical setup, one photon acts as an ancillary qubit, and is used to entangle another photon that encodes both the reference vector and the new vector. The resulting two-photon entangled state is used to classify two-dimensional vectors, whereas three- and four-photon entangled states can classify four- and eight-dimensional vectors, respectively. In general, different vector dimensions are needed to describe the properties of different real-world objects.

How quantum effects could improve artificial intelligence

How quantum effects could improve artificial intelligence

Neural networks take on quantum entanglement

  • Neural networks take on quantum entanglement

    certain neural networks—abstract webs that pass information from node to node like neurons in the brain—can succinctly describe wide swathes of quantum systems .

    In particular, the team studied neural networks that use two distinct groups of neurons. The first group, called the visible neurons, represents real quantum particles, like atoms in an optical lattice or ions in a chain. To account for interactions between particles, the researchers employed a second group of neurons—the hidden neurons—which link up with visible neurons.

    Specifying a number for each connection and mathematically forgetting the hidden neurons can produce a compact representation of many interesting quantum states, including states with topological characteristics and some with surprising amounts of entanglement.

    For instance, neural networks with only short-range interactions—those in which each hidden neuron is only connected to a small cluster of visible neurons—have a strict limit on their total entanglement.

    the collection of states that they do represent efficiently, and the overlap of that collection with other representation methods, is an open problem that Deng says is ripe for further exploration.

Physicists extend quantum machine learning to infinite dimensions

  • Physicists extend quantum machine learning to infinite dimensions

    Most quantum machine learning algorithms developed so far work only with problems involving discrete variables. Applying quantum machine learning to continuous-variable problems requires a very different approach.

    To do this, the physicists had to develop a new set of tools that work with continuous variables. This involves replacing the logic gates that are used for discrete-variable states with physical gates, which work for continuous-variable states.

    the physicists expect that the new algorithm for continuous variables could be experimentally implemented using currently available technology.

How quantum effects could improve artificial intelligence

  • How quantum effects could improve artificial intelligence

    quantum effects could offer similar advantages for the emerging field of quantum machine learning (a subfield of artificial intelligence)

    quantum effects can help improve reinforcement learning, which is one of the three main branches of machine learning.

    quantum effects have the potential to provide quadratic improvements in learning efficiency, as well as exponential improvements in performance for short periods of time when compared to classical techniques for a wide class of learning problems.

    Part of the reason for the difficulty in determining how quantum effects can improve machine learning is due to the unique set of challenges involved, beginning with the basic question of what it means to learn.

    the scientists explain, since the machine and its environment may become entangled, blurring the boundary between the two.

    the researchers expect that the systematic approach proposed here, which encompasses all three of the main branches of machine learning, will lead to the first steps in a complete theory of quantum-enhanced learning.

Quantum computers could greatly accelerate machine learning

  • Quantum computers could greatly accelerate machine learning

    quantum computers may be able to exponentially speed up the rate at which certain machine learning tasks are performed—in some cases, reducing the time from hundreds of thousands of years to mere seconds.

    quantum entanglement provides a very fast way to classify vectors into one of two categories, a task that is at the core of machine learning.

    Classifying a small number of vectors in this way can be done very quickly. However, as the amount of data in the world rapidly increases, so does the time required for machines to process it.

    the physicists addressed this challenge by representing vectors with quantum states, and then entangling the states before comparing the distance between them.

    The resulting two-photon entangled state is used to classify two-dimensional vectors, whereas three- and four-photon entangled states can classify four- and eight-dimensional vectors,

    "A GHz clock-rate quantum computer, if we can build it in the future, with the exponential speed-up, will take only about a second to estimate the distance between these two vectors after they are entangled with the ancillary qubit."

How quantum effects could improve artificial intelligence

  • How quantum effects could improve artificial intelligence

    In the new study, the researchers' main result is that quantum effects can help improve reinforcement learning, which is one of the three main branches of machine learning. They showed that quantum effects have the potential to provide quadratic improvements in learning efficiency, as well as exponential improvements in performance for short periods of time when compared to classical techniques for a wide class of learning problems.

    While other research groups have previously shown that quantum effects can offer improvements for the other two main branches of machine learning (supervised and unsupervised learning), reinforcement learning has not been as widely investigated from a quantum perspective.

Quantum algorithm could help AI think faster

  • Quantum algorithm could help AI think faster

    As a rough guide, for a 10,000 square matrix, the classical algorithm would take on the order of a trillion computational steps, the first quantum algorithm some tens of thousands of steps and the new quantum algorithm just hundreds of steps. The algorithm relies on a technique known as quantum singular value estimation.

- [超越传统算法!全新量子算法可以帮助 AI 更快思考](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/33725833)

    > 第一个量子线性系统算法是在 2009 年由另外一组研究人员提出的,该算法是研究机器学习或人工智能的量子形式的鼻祖。
    > **这套线性系统算法适用于大型数据矩阵。** 例如,交易者可以尝试预测未来的商品价格,该矩阵可以获取关于价格随时间变化的历史数据和关于可能影响这些价格的特征数据,比如货币汇率。该算法通过“反转”矩阵来计算每个特征之间的关联性,这些信息可以用来推断未来趋势。
    > Zhao 解释道:“在分析矩阵时需要进行大量的计算,比方说当输入超过 10000×10000 个元素时,这对于普通的计算机就变得很困难了。这是因为随着矩阵中元素数量的增加,计算的步骤也会急速增长——矩阵的大小每增加一倍,计算的长度就会增加 8 倍。”
    > 2009 年提出的算法可以更好地处理更大的矩阵,但必须是稀疏矩阵。在这些情况下,元素之间的关系是有限的,而现实世界中的数据通常不是这样。Zhao 和研究小组提出了一个新的算法,比经典和以前的量子算法版本都快,也没有限制它所计算的数据的种类。
    > **简单来说,该算法依靠一种被称为量子奇异值估算的技术。** 对于一个 10000 平方的矩阵,经典算法大约花费数万亿量级计算步骤,第一个量子算法需要几万步,而新量子算法只需要几百步。



  • 八卦一下量子机器学习的历史

    说起机器学习肯定要提起神经网络,而早在1997年大家就开始陆陆续续讨论quantum neural network(QNN)的模型了,比如Gupta,Bonnell 和 Papini的文章,不过并没有取得很大的进展。2001年后大家好像就比较沉寂了,没有什么新的工作。结果这一沉寂就到了2014年,南非的一个理论物理的组开始认真地考虑这个模型,两个博士生Sinayskiy和Schuld在研究所主任Petruccione的带领下开始考虑Hopfield-type networks的quantum evolution。但是由于非线性是neural核心的一部分,而quantum evolution是unitary的(线性的),这样就有一个本质上的矛盾,所以他们提出应该考虑神经网络的开放量子演化(open quantum evolution/dissipative quantum computing),也就是考虑进环境的非线性的耗散作用[1]。他们的工作引起了比较大的关注,所以今年2017年1月,第一个量子机器学习的summer school就在南非召开(笔者本来也想去打个酱油,结果签证没办下来,哭)。

    除了神经网络的量子推广,细胞自动机(automata)和康威(conway)的生命游戏(game of life)也有量子的推广。比如"quantum aspect of life" 这本书,由大名鼎鼎的数学物理学家彭罗斯(Roger Penrose)作序。而最早的细胞自动机的量子推广早在1988年就被量子信息的奠基人之一塞林格(Zeilinger)提了出来[2]。

    相比量子的理论模型,量子人工智能的算法发展则更为引人注目。最先应该提的是2009年MIT的Aram Harrow等人提出的HHL量子算法[3],能够以指数快的速度解一个线性方程组。这个算法构成了后来2014年Seth Lloyd他们提出的量子支持向量机的基础(quantum support vector machine,QSVM)[4]。紧随其后又有众多的经典机器学习算法的量子版本被提出来了,比如量子主成分分析(Quantum principal component analysis)[5],量子推荐系统(Quantum Recommendation Systems)[6],贝叶斯网络上的量子推断[7],量子增强学习(quantum reinforcement learning)[8]等等。

    除了做机器学习直接的量子推广外,还有一个很重要的方向是用量子物理来解释为什么深度学习这么有效。2014年普林斯顿的两个博士生证明了卷积神经网络可以和变分重整化群可以一一映射起来[9]。MIT宇宙学教授Max Tegmark也从信息提取和重整化的角度来说明为什么深度学习需要"深"[10]。四位计算机科学家也从他们领域的角度分析了量子多体波函数,纠缠,张量网络和卷积神经网络的关系[11]。从机器学习的理论角度上来看,量子信息的理论计算机学家Ronald de Wolf从Probably Approximately Correct(PAC) learning model的量子版本来分析算法的time,query和sample的复杂度[12]。

    当然除了物理对机器学习的启发,机器学习对物理的研究也有很大的突破。最广为人知的是去年2016年下半年Troyer他们组发在Science上的一篇文章,用神经网络来解决量子多体问题[13],随后又有研究人员用玻尔兹曼机(Boltzmann machine)来做多体相变,拓扑手性态,量子控制,量子纠错码(quantum error correction),全息(holography)等等。

    最后,关于量子信息和机器学习交叉领域更为细致的survey可以参考[14,15](本来想把这两个领域交叉的那张全貌图发上来的,结果知乎上传的图片像素实在是),GitHub上也有一个项目把相关的资料整理得比较全awesome quantum machine learning。我之后也会在我的博客中介绍一下我用Python写的quantum SVM,来识别手写数字6和9(知乎不支持MathJax)。

    有什么问题或者建议欢迎评论,或者e-mail给我:[email protected]


    1)Schuld, Maria, Ilya Sinayskiy, and Francesco Petruccione. "The quest for a quantum neural network." Quantum Information Processing 13.11 (2014): 2567-2586.

    2)Grössing, Gerhard, and Anton Zeilinger. "Quantum cellular automata." Complex Systems 2.2 (1988): 197-208.

    3)Harrow, Aram W., Avinatan Hassidim, and Seth Lloyd. "Quantum algorithm for linear systems of equations." Physical review letters 103.15 (2009): 150502.

    4)Rebentrost, Patrick, Masoud Mohseni, and Seth Lloyd. "Quantum support vector machine for big data classification." Physical review letters 113.13 (2014): 130503.

    5)Lloyd, Seth, Masoud Mohseni, and Patrick Rebentrost. "Quantum principal component analysis." arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.0401 (2013).

    6)Kerenidis, Iordanis, and Anupam Prakash. "Quantum recommendation systems." arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.08675 (2016).

    7)Low, Guang Hao, Theodore J. Yoder, and Isaac L. Chuang. "Quantum inference on Bayesian networks." Physical Review A 89.6 (2014): 062315.

    8)Dong, Daoyi, et al. "Quantum reinforcement learning." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 38.5 (2008): 1207-1220.

    9)Mehta, Pankaj, and David J. Schwab. "An exact mapping between the variational renormalization group and deep learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.3831 (2014).

    10)Lin, Henry W., Max Tegmark, and David Rolnick. "Why does deep and cheap learning work so well?." Journal of Statistical Physics (2016): 1-25.

    11)Levine, Yoav, et al. "Deep Learning and Quantum Physics: A Fundamental Bridge." arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.01552 (2017).

    12)Arunachalam, Srinivasan, and Ronald de Wolf. "A survey of quantum learning theory." arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.06806 (2017).

    13)Carleo, Giuseppe, and Matthias Troyer. "Solving the quantum many-body problem with artificial neural networks." Science 355.6325 (2017): 602-606.

    14)Biamonte, Jacob, et al. "Quantum machine learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.09347 (2016).

    15)Adcock, Jeremy, et al. "Advances in quantum machine learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.02900 (2015).


  • 量子计算的理论发展(一)





















  • 量子计算的理论发展(二)




    记为 f: \left\{ 0, 1 \right\} ^{n}\rightarrow \left\{ 0, 1 \right\} ^{m}


    记为f\rightarrow f_{i} : \left\{ 0, 1 \right\} ^{n}\rightarrow \left\{ 0, 1 \right\}, i=1,2,3...m

    对于f_{i} (x),我们不妨设输出k个1,2^n-k个0,即输入x^{a} (a=1,2,3...k)时输出为1,输入x^{a} (a=k+1, k+2, ... 2^n-1, 2^n)时输出为0

    这样可以写出f_{i} (x_{i})的形式f_{i}(x)=f_{i}(x^{1})\vee f_{i}(x^{2})\vee...{\vee}f_{i}(x^{n})

    其中,\vee 是或函数,任意一个f_{i} (x^{a})的输入为1,则f_{i} (x^{a})输出为1

    而对于函数f_{i} (x^{a}),我们可以写成f_{i} (x^{a})=x_1^{a}\wedge \bar{x_2^{a}}\wedge \bar{x_3^{a}}\wedge...{\wedge} x_{n-1}^{a}{\wedge} \bar{x_{n}^{a}}

    其中,\wedge 是与函数,当x^{a} 的各位和等式右边的序列对应相等时(没有上横线的位为1,有上横线的位为0),f_{i} (x^{a})为1









  • 量子计算的理论发展(三)







    一个函数f: \left\{ 0, 1 \right\}^n\rightarrow \left\{ 0, 1 \right\} ,已知它要么是常数函数要么是平衡函数,通过某种算法来确定f是何种类型的函数。





    第一步Hadamard变换将输入的|0>^{\otimes n}|1>转换为

    Hadamard变换实际上是将|0>转换为\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left(  |0>+|1> \right),将|1>转换为\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left(  |0>-|1> \right),多个比特的时候有如下公式:

    然后进行Uf变换,这其中Uf起到了决定性作用,它常被称为是quantum oracle,它进行了如下转换|x>|y>\rightarrow|x>|y\oplus f(x)> ,得到



    然后我们以|0>^{\otimes n}为基进行测量,落到这个基上的概率是


    也就是说对于最后的测量,如果落在|0>^{\otimes n}上,就是常数函数;如果不落在|0>^{\otimes n}上,就是平衡函数,实现了一步解决问题,说明了量子计算相对于经典计算的强大之处。


  • 量子计算的理论发展(四)



    P problem指的是可以多项式时间解决的问题,NP problem是可以多项式时间验证的问题,NP包括P,但是为了方便,接下来提到的NP问题特指能够多项式时间验证但不能多项式时间解决的问题;NP complete是NP中最难解决的问题,如果它们被多项式时间内解决,那么所有NP问题都可以被多项式时间解决。BQP是量子计算机可以在多项式时间内解决的问题,一般认为BQP大于P但小于NP,比如质因数分解暂时可以认为是一个NP问题(学术界没有定论),那么Shor算法解决的就是BQP中不在P problem那个范围内的问题了。

    Grover算法并没有达到多项式时间的复杂度,经典算法的复杂度是O\left( N \right) ,它的时间复杂度是O\left(\sqrt N \right) ,但是它可以加速一切NP问题(这是因为所有NP问题都可以归并为多项式时间验证的搜索问题),它的应用范围就更加广泛了,像现在云计算和大数据处理,这种根号级别的提速也是非常可观的。


    前面和DJ算法类似,经过Hadamard变换和Quantum Oracle (Uw),得到


    U_{w} : |x>\rightarrow (-1)^{f(x)}|x>



    U_{s} =H^{(n)}(2|0><0|-I)H^{(n)}=2|s><s|-I

    其中|s>=H^{(n)}|0>=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2^n}} \sum_{x=0}^{2^n-1}{|x>}



    sin\theta =<s|w>=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2^n}}

    我们将这一步骤重复T次,最终我们希望(2T+1)\theta =\pi/2,这样就搜索到了想要的|w>,根据计算,当T=\frac{\pi}{4} \sqrt{2^n}时,搜索到|w>的概率为P=|<w|\psi _T>|^2=sin^2(2T+1)\theta=1-O(\frac{1}{2^n} ),所以量子搜索的次数为\frac{\pi}{4} \sqrt{2^n}次,而经典搜索是2^n次,相比之下量子搜索实现了根号级别的加速。

    如果要同时有r项满足搜索条件,我们只需要记|\varpi >=\frac{1}{\sqrt{r}} \sum_{i=1}^{r}{|w_i>} ,这是只需要搜索\frac{\pi}{4} \sqrt{\frac{2^n}{r} }次,但搜索的前提是我们知道r是多少,不然搜索次数不对的话搜索到要找的对象的概率可能是0,一般还会使用量子计数算法先得到求解的数目。

    最终电路的实现,主要考虑U_{s} =H^{(n)}(2|0><0|-I)H^{(n)},我们知道I-2|0><0|表示的意义是当输入比特都为|0>时做相位翻转,这个可以通过n比特相位控制门(n-1个比特都为1时最后一个比特相位翻转,实际上也是整个比特串相位翻转)外加非门实现,而相位控制门可以通过控制非门和Hadamard门实现。对于两比特的搜索,最终完整的电路如图所示:




  • (1 封私信 / 83 条消息)如何解读「量子计算应对大数据挑战:中国科大首次实现量子机器学习算法」? - 知乎


    简单来说就是,用光子比特(photonic qubit)作为量子比特,用透镜构成量子逻辑门,整体是一台光量子计算机。



    但题目里【首次实现量子机器学习算法】的说法可能不太准确。\ 我猜是因为没有把Dwave算作真正的量子计算机,因为Dwave只能运行量子退火算法。而潘教授研究的这种光量子计算机是通用型的"标准"量子计算机通用型量子计算机是可以运行所有量子算法的,这就是厉害的地方吧。\ 这项工作的意义就是在于通用型量子计算机第一次成功的运行了量子机器学习算法。\ 之前大家也都知道这个方案肯定可行,但是实验难度很大。

    2)未来的障碍\ 通用机这么好,为什么大家不发展通用型量子计算机呢?\ 没有别的原因,就是因为太难了。\ 五十年前大家觉得可控核聚变还有五十年,现在大家觉得可能还要五十年...\ 通用型量子计算机不会比这难度小。



    甚至这种思路可能没有结果。比特数一高,光路就复杂到再也无法在实验室搭出来。\ 当然集成光学等学科的发展也可能让光量子计算机有所突破。一切都是未知数。

    通用型量子计算机还有其他思路,基于核磁共振、基于超导环等等。\ 但暂时还看不出来到底哪条路是对的,所以每一路都养着一大批物理PhD在研究。\ 光量子计算机这条路也只是诸多候选方案之一。有没有光明的未来只有不断尝试才知道。

    之前评论区里总有人问我,为什么中国不发展量子计算机?\ 这里就顺便回答一下。量子计算这么重要的东西中国不可能没有发展。但有的东西不是我们想有就能有的。通用型量子计算机什么时候才能有重大突破谁也说不好。现在的每一小步可能都踏在错误的方向上,但是每一小步也都有可能变成真正的一大步。


    在我本科毕业时,都未曾听说过潘教授的组开始量子机器学习的研究。去年年底的时候,听某位USTC师姐说道,潘组已经开始研究量子机器学习。现在这个应该是初步成果了。\ 本科班上也有同学保研到潘教授组,没记错的话都是专业前几的。大多数本科就参与组内科研的大神。\ 有这么厉害的导师,又有这么优秀的学生,还有多到让人吓一跳的经费,可以发射世界上第一颗量子卫星,现在再达成【首次实现量子机器学习算法】的成就也不让人意外了。

    量子机器学习/量子人工智能最近两年在飞速发展。\ 首先是,CIA,没错就是大家熟知的那个美国中央情报局,作为大股东资助的Dwave公司开发出Dwave量子计算机。\ 然后,2013年,美国国家航空航天局NASA和Google联合成立了量子人工智能(Quantum AI Lab)。\ 去年下半年,又发现洛克马丁,嗯,就是那个开发了F16/F117/F22的公司,与牛津大学联合建立了量子优化和机器学习研究中心。

    不要问我美帝想干什么,我真的不知道。。\ 作为此领域的一员表示,欢迎各国争先恐后地为人类的未来砸钱

    再来一点题外话。\ 牛津大学真心是一所有独特气质的学校。CS系竟然有一个大组叫Quantum Group。是CS系规模最大的方向之一。专门研究量子物理和计算机交叉的方向,进行各种科幻研究。。不愧是英语世界无数大学的母本。\ 剑桥大学、哈佛大学是牛津一脉相承。\ 东京大学也是以牛津为模板建立的亚洲第一所现代大学。\ 希望牛津可以继续保持这种传承了八百年气质吧。全世界的大学都变成一个样就太无聊了。

    再补充一个背景。\ 量子机器学习(Quantum Machine Learning)就是量子计算+机器学习么?\ 不是的。\ 量子机器学习还包括另外一部分,就是用量子力学的思想和模型来改进机器学习算法。\ 【A Quantum-Theoretic Approach to Distributional Semantics】\ 比如说这篇很有名的NLP相关的文章。用密度矩阵表示单词在文本中的信息。词汇相似度用Trace(MN)表示,即两个密度矩阵乘积的迹来表示。为什么要用密度矩阵?因为密度矩阵包含了一个量子系统的所有信息,而我们又可以把一个文本抽象为量子系统。


    \ 量子模型是这样的。

    jaguar和elephant两个单词在此文本里的相似度是0.05。\ 这个量子模型的最终效果也胜过现有模型。感兴趣可以自己读读看。


    实际上,我导师也一直鼓励我多尝试这个思路。因为除了成果可以直接用,不用等不知道哪天才出现的量子计算机。\ boss第一次发这个领域的顶会是在2009年。他吐槽那个时候那群计算机出身的审稿人根本看不懂量子力学在机器学习里的意义,一篇文章改了快半年才通过。后来情况就好多,大概有3,4篇量子机器学习在ML/AI/NLP的顶会被顺利接受。\ 然后最近几年,CS出身的科学家发表量子机器学习的文章也越来越多,几乎占了半壁江山的感觉。



    暂且如此。\ 以上。

Quantum Machine Learning: An Overview

  • Quantum Machine Learning: An Overview

    • 量子机器学习入门科普:解读量子力学和机器学习的共生关系



      量子是任何物理实体(比如能量和质量等)的最小可能单位。1900年,德国物理学家、量子力学创始人马克斯·普朗克(Max Planck)提出,在原子和亚原子水平,一个物体的能量被包含在叫做量子(quanta)的离散数据包中。

      波粒二象性(Wave-particle duality)是量子粒子的特征,它是指微观粒子基于不同的环境,有时会表现出波动性,而有时表现出粒子性。

















      一个量子位可同时存在0和1这两种状态。因此,两个相互作用的量子位可被同时存储为4个二进制结构。一般来说,‘n’ 量子位可同时代表 ‘2^n’个经典二进制结构。





Quantum SVM

Quantum SVM

  • Quantum SVM

    讲Quantum SVM之前我先介绍一下量子线路(quantum circuit)和Classical SVM的背景知识。

    1. 量子线路


    EPR pair

    上面这个线路就展示了怎么制备一对最大纠缠的量子态(EPR pair)。一般纯态的qubit可以写成这样: |ψ⟩=a|0⟩+b|1⟩|ψ⟩=a|0⟩+b|1⟩,这个量子系统只有两种可能允许的状态|0⟩|0⟩ 和 |1⟩|1⟩, a2a2表示状态|0⟩|0⟩出现的概率, b2b2表示状态|1⟩|1⟩出现的概率。如果取|0⟩=(10)|0⟩=(10)和|1⟩=(01)|1⟩=(01)作为二维线性空间的一个基,那么量子态|ψ⟩|ψ⟩也可以写成一个二维矢量(ab)(ab)。每一条水平线代表一个qubit,最左边是输入的量子态(initial state),比如这里输入|00⟩=|0⟩1⨂|0⟩2|00⟩=|0⟩1⨂|0⟩2,⨂⨂表示1系统和2系统的张量积(tensor product),(ab)⨂(cd)=⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎜acadbcbd⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟⎟(ab)⨂(cd)=(acadbcbd)。 中间的符号H,CNOT表示我们对态进行量子门(quantum gate)的操作,经过这两个量子门后,我们就制备了一个Bell态 |ψ⟩=12√(|00⟩+|11⟩)|ψ⟩=12(|00⟩+|11⟩),也就是两个qubits的最大纠缠态。













    2. 支持向量机

    最早的支持向量机早在1963年就被万普尼克等人提出,不过只能用于线性分类,随后1992年他又和其他研究者提出可以用核技巧应用于最大间隔超平面来创建非线性分类器。这个方法一诞生后就由于它良好的分类性能以及清楚的可解释性碾压神经网络,再之后1998年微软研究院的John C. Platt提出序列最小化Sequential Minimal Optimization(SMO)算法更是迅速地提高了SVM的训练效率。SVM是目前最常用,效果最好的分类器之一,并且由于只依赖于支持向量,没有对大数据的要求。由于其能够处理二分类和回归的问题,有很多广泛的应用,比如人脸检测,时间序列预测,系统辨识,金融工程,生物医药信号处理,数据挖掘,生物信息,文本挖掘,基于支持向量机的数据库学习算法,手写体相似字识别等等。

    2. 1. 线性分类器的模型

    线性svm是定义在特征空间上的间隔最大的二元线性分类器[2]。它的起源可以追溯到logistic回归[3],回想logistic函数(sigmoid函数)hθ(x)=g(θTx)=11+e-θTxhθ(x)=g(θTx)=11+e-θTx 把实数θTxθTx映射到(0,1),其中xx是nn维特征向量,logistic回归的目标就是优化nn维向量θ=(θ1θ2⋯θn)Tθ=(θ1θ2⋯θn)T s.t. 对于标签为y=1y=1的数据xx,hθ(x)≥0.5hθ(x)≥0.5, 而对于标签为y=0y=0的数据xx,hθ(x)<0.5hθ(x)<0.5。我们可以注意到hθ(x)hθ(x)只与θtxθtx有关,θtx>0θTx>0,那么hθ(x)>0.5hθ(x)>0.5,hθ(x)hθ(x)只是个映射,真实的决定权掌握在θTxθTx手里。











    2. 2. 转化为对偶问题



    如果我们考虑这个函数对于αα的最大值θ(w)=maxαi≥0ℒ(w,b,α)θ(w)=maxαi≥0L(w,b,α),可以发现使得θ(w)θ(w)取最小值的ww正好也能使12||w||212||w||2取最小值,并且满足约束条件y(wTxi+b)≥1,i=1,⋯,ny(wTxi+b)≥1,i=1,⋯,n。因为对于不满足约束的ww,比如y(wTxi+b)<1y(wTxi+b)<1,αα可以取∞∞,也就是不管ww怎么取,θ(w)θ(w)对ww的最小值是∞∞,自然没有满足约束的θ(w)θ(w)小。这样原来含约束条件的优化问题就变成了单纯的优化w,bw,b,s.t. θ(w)=minw,bθ(w)=minw,bmaxαi≥0ℒ(w,b,α)≡p∗θ(w)=minw,bθ(w)=minw,bmaxαi≥0L(w,b,α)≡p∗。







    2. 3. 非线性分类的核函数



















    之后的内积⟨ψ(xi)⋅ψ(x)⟩⟨ψ(xi)⋅ψ(x)⟩。有后面这个式子的优点就在于我们仍然是在原始的特征空间中进行操作,却达到了在高维空间求内积的效果,达到这种效果的函数就叫做核函数(Kernel Function),这个例子中的核函数就是κ(x1,x2)=(⟨x1,x2⟩+1)2κ(x1,x2)=(⟨x1,x2⟩+1)2。


    这个例子中的核函数κ(x1,x2)=(⟨x1,x2⟩+1)2κ(x1,x2)=(⟨x1,x2⟩+1)2是多项式核函数κ(x1,x2)=(ax1⋅x2+r)dκ(x1,x2)=(ax1⋅x2+r)d中的一种,另一种最主流的核函数是高斯核函数(Gaussian Kernel),κ(x1,x2)=exp(-r||x1-x2||2)κ(x1,x2)=exp(-r||x1-x2||2),其中rr大于0。 Sigmoid核函数(Sigmoid Kernel)也是线性不可分SVM常用的核函数之一,表达式为:κ(x1,x2)=tanh(rx1⋅x2+b)κ(x1,x2)=tanh(rx1⋅x2+b)。

    3. 量子支持向量机


    1.) Nielsen, Michael A., and Isaac Chuang. "Quantum computation and quantum information." (2002): 558-559.

    2.) 支持向量机通俗导论(理解SVM的三层境界)

    3.) Andrew NG, Lecture notes, Logistic Regression Classification.

    4.) 感知机原理小结

    5.)Platt, John. "Sequential minimal optimization: A fast algorithm for training support vector machines." (1998).

JinlongHuang/quantum-SVM: The quantum circuit version of support vector machine to recognize handwritten 6 and 9

Quantum Gate

Relationship between Toffoli gate and Deutsch gate

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